Accountants The Owner of Rumney Accounting is Betty Rumney Business classifications
SIC (US 1987) : Founded in a basement, Visionary has grown to become the largest and most geographically diverse ISP in a three state region, providing more than 20, 000 customers with Internet access via dialup, wireless, DSL, T1 and fiber.
The purchase of Nonesuch, another Wyoming ISP, prompted Visionary to accelerate expansion into new markets. In 1997, Visionary merged with of Casper and of Sheridan in 1999, expanding the company’s footprint and broadening service offerings. Visionary purchased Global Advancement Technologies (GAT) in 2001, establishing a footprint in Southern Montana. Subsequent purchases in 2002 of Interquest, Wyoming Internet, Air Wave Technologies, and has allowed the company to offer service to more than 90 communities via more than 30 fiber hubs in Colorado, Montana and Wyoming.
Visionary was the first to install Broadband in rural communities like Buffalo, Cody, Dayton, Newcastle, Ranchester, Rawlins, Red Lodge Montana, Sundance, Upton, and Wright. We are also proud that we rolled out the first DSL service in Buffalo and Cody.
In 2013, Visionary acquired the VailNet operations in Avon, Vail and Summit County, expanding our presence to the Western slope of Colorado. VailNet was the first company to roll out DSL services in Vail Valley and Summit County, and we
Don't forget that the most detailed information about Rumney Accounting in Newcastle you can always get on the official web-site, in the company's office or by calling by phone ↓
Established in: 1979
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